1. General articles on chaotic phenomena and related subjects.
2. Numerical modelling of hallucinations, as self-organized patterns in the visual cortex due to long-range neural inhibition versus short-range activation (see figure below).
3. Simulation of coupled biological cycles using analog circuits.
4. Analysis of an electrically driven, chaotic spinning top (see figure below; induction in the impulse coil drives the magnetic top).
5. Chaos induction by modulating with periodic parameter kicking.
6. Methods for analysis of images of periodic and turbulent waves.
7. Kinetics and thermodynamics of enzymes.
8. Simulations of three-dimensional structures in electron-hole-plasmas using partial differential equations. Comparison with evaluations of conductivity measurements.
9. Control of chaos by pinning discrete sites
10. Simulations of tectonic processes.
11. Generalization of the second law of thermodynamics to small systems and short times.


Simulation of an hallucination due to a Turing pattern in the visual cortex (External report on the web):

(Report on this work: Wired Magazine, April 1996, 2-3)

The chaotic spinning top:


M. Schmick, A. Hasselhuhn, Q. Liu, Q. Ouyang and M. Markus, "The fluctuation Theorem in a Sinai-billiard geometry: Predictions and Measurements, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Math. and Appl., Bangkok, pp. 39-44 (2007)

M. Schmick, Q. Liu, Q. Ouyang, M. Markus, "Fluctuation theorem for a single particle in a moving billiard: Experiments and simulations", Physical Review E 76, 021115 (2007)

P. Grete and M. Markus, "Multipeaked probability distributions of recurrence times", Physical Review E 75, 036207 (2007)

P. Grete and M. Markus, "Residence Time Distributions For Double-Scroll Attractors", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 17, 1007-1015 (2007)

Schmick, M. and M. Markus, "Fluctuation theorem for a deterministic one-particle system". Physical Review E 70, 065101 (2004).

A. Greilich and M. Markus, "Correlation of entropy with optimal pinning density for the control of spatiotemporal chaos". Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 6, 541-546 (2003). In the web.

M. Markus, "A scientist's adventures in Postmodernism", Leonardo 33(3), 179-186 (2000)

M. Markus, "Unvorhersagbarkeit in einer deterministischen Welt: Der Tod des Laplaceschen Daemons",in 'Uni-Report 13' (ed. by Rektorat der Universitaet Dortmund 1991), pp. 15-20

M. Markus, "Enzyklopaedie der Ignoranz", GEO-Wissen, 2/1990, p. 176

M. Markus, "Unvorhersagbarkeit -auf verschiedenen Systemebenen- mit Beispielen aus den Naturwissenschaften", Series 'Grenzfragen',Vol. 22 (ed. by P.Weingartner),Alber, Freiburg, pp. 111-146 (1996)

M. Markus, "Numerical models of hallucinations", in: 'Worlds of Consciousness' (ed. by M. Schlichting & H. Leuner), VWB-Verlag, Berlin (1995), pp. 131-140

M. Markus, "Hallucinations: their formation on the cortex can be simulated by a computer", in: 'Caos' (ed. by C.A. Dias and L.S. Ribeiro), Fenda, Lisboa (1994), pp. 65-73

M. Markus, "Halluzinationen: Ihre Entstehung in der Hirnrinde kann im Computer simuliert werden", in: Welten des Bewsstseins (ed. by A. Dittrich, A. Hofmann and H. Leuner), Verlag fuer Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin (1994), pp. 133-143

M. Markus, "Chaos" in: 'Herder-Lexikon der Biochemie und Molekularbiolgie", Vol. 1, Herder-Verlag, Freiburg, (1991), pp. 236-240

M. Bode, D. Ruwisch, S. Schuetz, M. Alonso, V. Perez-Munuzuri, V. Perez-Villar and M. Markus, "Parallel analog computation of coupled biological oscillators", Journal of Biological Systems 3, 81-93 (1995)

D. Ruwisch, M. Bode, P. Schuetz and M. Markus, "Parallel analogue computation of coupled cell cycles with electrical oscillators", Phys. Lett. A 186 (1994),p. 137-144

O. Maldonado, M. Markus and B. Hess, "Coexistence of attractors and hysteresis jumps in a chaotic spinning top", Physics Lett. 144, 153-158 (1990)

J. Roessler, M. Kiwi, B. Hess and M. Markus, "Modulated non-linear processes and a novel mechanism to induce chaos", Phys. Rev. A 39, 5954-5960 (1989)

M. Markus, S. Mueller, T. Plesser and B. Hess, "On the recognition of order and disorder", Biological Cybernetics, 57, 187-195 (1987)

M. Markus and Th. Plesser, "Free energy dissipation of the pyruvate kinase reaction has a minimum at cell metabolite concentrations",Biophysical Chemistry 18, 349-352 (1983)

M. Markus, Th. Plesser and M. Kohlmeier, "Analysis of progress curves in enzyme kinetics: bias and convergent set in the differential and in the inte- gral method", Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 4, 81-90 (1981)

M. Markus, Th. Plesser, A. Boiteux, B. Hess and M. Malcovati, "Analysis of progress curves: Rate law of pyruvate kinase type I from Escherichia coli", Biochem. J. 189, 421-433 (1980)

R. Korenstein, B. Hess and M. Markus, "Cooperativity in the photocycle of purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium with a mechanism of free energy transduction", FEBS Lett. 102(1), 155-161 (1979)

M. Markus and Th. Plesser, "Design and analysis of progress curves in enzyme kinetics", Biochemical Society Transactions 4, 361-364 (1976)

M. Markus and K. Huebner, "Sausage instability of the z-pinch in n-InSb", Zeitschrift fuer Physik B21, 333-337 (1975)

M. Markus and K. Huebner, "Determination of the time evolution of the z-pinch in n-InSb from conductivity measurements", Phys. Lett. 29A, 392-393 (1969)

K. Huebner, H. Zuber and M. Markus, "Some remarks on the z-pinch onset in an electron-hole-plasma in n-InSb", Phys. Lett. 25A, 62-64 (1967)

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