Ausstellungen von wissenschaftlichen Grafiken / Exhibitions of computer graphics / Exposiciones de gráficas computacionales
- Boehringer-Ingelheim-Fonds (Stuttgart, Germany, 1988)
Goethe-Institutes in Chile (Santiago, Valparaíso, Concepción, Valdivia, 1988)
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University Library (Dortmund, Germany, 1988)
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- Stadthalle Kassel, Germany (1988)
University Gallery (Houston, Texas, 1989)
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Commerzbank Dortmund , Germany (1989)
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- During the 27. DECHEMA-Symposium (Tutzing, Germany, 1989)
- DESY (Hamburg, 1988)
- MPI für Bildungsforschung (Berlin, 1989)
"Pop Maths Road Show" in Great Britain (Leeds, Cardiff, Bristol, Plymouth,
Bedford, Jodrell Bank, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Liverpool,
Sheffield, Cambridge, Stockport, Birmingham, 1989-1990)
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- Charité (Berlin, 1990)
- IRC-ISPRA (Varese, Italy, 1990)
University Library (Düsseldorf, Germany, 1990)
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- Planetarium (Bochum, Germany, 1991)
- Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Halle, Germany, 1991)

Goethe-Institutes in Portugal (Porto, Lisboa, Coimbra, 1991-1992)
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- 'Volkshochschulen' in Germany (Ahaus, Gevelsberg, Gütersloh, Werl,
Gelsenkirchen, Frechen, 1997 - 2000)
- Bert-Brecht-Haus (Oberhausen, Germany, 1997)
- Participation in "The Frontier between Art and Science"; organized by Fac.
Arquitect., Univ. San Sebastián, Spain (Valladolid, Salamanca,
León and Granada, March-July, 2000)
- 25 Covers of books and journals. (Entrance Hall, Max-Planck-Institut, Dortmund, 2004). Click here to view.